Distance Learning at Bee Best Learning Center

We understand that these are unusual times with many students doing schoolwork at home. Some families have expressed an interest in having remote homework help or remote foreign language lessons via Zoom.  Many of our staff desire to help students by providing either one-on-on tutoring sessions or group foreign language lessons. 

To be more convenient and consistent for both students and staff, we are offering 5-week (April 20-May 21) pricing packages for homework help and 6-week (April 20-May 28) pricing packages for foreign language lessons. Each teaching session will be 45 minutes long. 

Homework Help tutoring sessions would meet once per week at the same day/time with the same staff person. This one-on-one tutoring can be for general homework help or focused on math or language arts. You may register for additional weekly sessions based on your family’s need.

Foreign Language sessions would meet Mondays through Thursdays each week at the same time with the same staff person. Foreign language sessions would meet in small groups with a minimum of 3 students and up to 10 students for Chinese, Spanish, or Japanese lessons.

Parents and students can choose the time/day and staff member that they prefer. The selected staff member will then contact you via phone or email to discuss any specific requests. Parents will need to set up a free (or paid) Zoom account for their child and also have a reliable internet connection and computer for the child to use in a quiet location during the session.

Our staff looks forward to partnering with our families to help students continue learning and doing their best academically.

If you would like to register, please select the link here to be taken to the registration page.